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6 Ways to Unlock a Door without a Key by Locksmith Dubai

6 Ways to Unlock a Door without a Key by Locksmith Dubai

Aug-11-2023 | By Admin

If you have ever been locked out of your house because you have lost or misplaced your keys or stranded in a strange room, then you definitely know how frustrating the experience is. Unfortunately, no one can predict what will happen in the future and that is why most people usually find themselves in this situation at the time when they least expect it.

So what should you do if you are locked out of your home or car and you don’t have someone to help you? Should you just sit down and cry or do something to get yourself out of the problem. Locked out your apartment? Knowing how to unlock a door is a crucial skill that can help you when you are stuck, and there is no one to help. In this article, we will share 6 ways to unlock a door without a key.

However, before we share these tips, let’s set the record straight that you should not use these unlocking techniques to break into someone’s property. You should only use them to unlock your car or home door or help someone else unlock their door with their permission.

6 Ways to Unlock a Door without a Key

In this article, we will discuss 6 ways to unlock a door without a key in detail,

  1. Lock picking

Lock picking is one of the most popular ways of unlocking a lock. This technique involves manipulating the components of the lock by mimicking the key. To use this lock unlocking technique successfully, you need to understand the internal components of a lock and how they work. The good thing about lock picking is that it works on different types of locks. However, although all locks can be picked, it does not mean that it is an easy task. Lock picking is a complex unlocking technique that takes years of practice to master.

For you to successfully pick a lock, you need to have the right picking tools. If you don’t have some tools, then you need to find a way of improvising them. A good example of a tool that you can improvise is the bobby pins. Crucial tools that you need to have include rake, hook, and tension wrenches.

Gently insert the tension wrench into the lock and rest it on the opposite side where the key usually rests. Hold the tension wrench in that position then insert the rake into the lock where the teeth of the key rest. Try to push and pull the rake as you feel if the key pin has reached the shear line. Twist the tension wrench in the right direction and the lock will open.

  1. Drilling

Drilling the lock should only be done as the last resort. This is because the drill will destroy the internal components of the lock, rendering it useless. This means that after you are done unlocking the door, you have to replace the lock and potentially other parts of the door too. But if someone is in danger and needs immediate assistance, then this unlocking technique should be used because it is the fastest way to unlock the door. As the name suggests, this unlocking technique involves drilling the top part of the key path where pins are located to unlock the door.

  1. Remove the hinges

If you are not able to unlock the door using other unlocking techniques, then you can remove the hinges to gain access to your house. This technique is quite simple compared to other unlocking techniques because it does not involve manipulating the lock. Using this technique to unlock the bedroom door means that you will not damage the lock. The only tools needed to remove the hinges are a rubber mallet and flathead screwdriver.

Insert the screwdriver into the hinges, then use the mallet to remove the pins. Once you have removed all pins, the hinges will come loose, meaning you only need to push the door to gain access. To avoid damaging your door, ensure that you use the right tools to remove the hinges from the door.

  1. Use a credit card

Another great unlocking technique that you can use to access your door with a key is using a credit card. The term credit card does not mean your usual credit card. Instead, it refers to all PVCA and plastic resin materials that can be wedged into the door to force the lock to open. This unlocking technique is easy to perform and only requires simple tools that are easy to obtain. However, it is important to note that this method is only effective on simple latch locks that use a slanted latch bolt. It cannot be used to unlock high-security locks and deadbolts. This technique will also not work if the lock is paired with a reinforced strike plate.

The credit card unlocking technique usually targets the slanted bolt by forcibly retracting the latch that holds the door in place. To successfully open the door using this technique, you need to use force and that is why it is crucial to use a credit card that is strong.

  1. Use a knife

If the only tool you have is a knife, you can use it to unlock the door knob without a key. However, you have to be careful not to injure yourself while trying to unlock the door. If there is enough room where the knife can slide between the door and the door jam, then you can use your knife to unlock the door. Once the knife is in place, slide the blade up and down until you locate the bolt. Gently push the knife using a bit of force to push the bolt out to unlock the door.

  1. Call a reputable locksmith

The most recommended way of unlocking the door lock if you have misplaced or lost your key is to call a reputable locksmith near you. Professional locksmiths have a fast response time of between 10 and 30 minutes depending on your location, meaning you will not wait for long to have your door unlocked. Additionally, professional locksmiths will also unlock your door quickly and safely without causing any damage. They are highly skilled and experienced and will use the most effective unlocking technique to unlock your door quickly.


Category: Residential Locksmith

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