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8 Reasons why your car key is not working

8 Reasons why your car key is not working

Aug-11-2023 | By Admin

The last thing that any motorist would ever think of is replacing the car keys because it is not working. Losing or misplacing the key is not the only reason why people replacing car keys. A Key that is not working is also a major reason why motorists replace their car keys.

Now imagine this scenario, your clock did not ring in the morning and you are running late for an important business meeting. You quickly take a shower and run to the car only to find out that your car key is not working. If this has ever happened to you, then you know how frustrating and stressful the experience is. But what could be the reason why your car key is not working?

Reasons Why Car Key not Working?

In this article, we will discuss 8 reasons why your car key is not working.

1. The key is damaged

One of the main reasons why your car key is not working is because the key is damaged. This does not occur regularly because car keys are meant to last. However, certain things could damage your car keys. This includes things like a sudden drop that causes the key to bend. Normal wear and tear can also make the key to stop working overtime.

Your key does not have to be broken for it not to work. Sometimes it can be intact but still not work. For instance, if the grooves are worn out, then the key will not work. For a car key to work, all grooves must match correctly with the internal mechanism of the ignition.

Car keys usually wear out with time and that can make them stop working. Additionally, most people don’t take good care of their keys which makes them wear out fast. If your car key is damaged, then it will not start the car. The only solution to this problem is to have the key replaced by a professional locksmith.

2. The lock is broken

Another common reason why your car key is not working is that the lock is broken or broken car keys. This problem is common to motorists who have old car models. This is because most old car models still use physical keys. Just like any other components in the car, locks usually wear out with time due to repeated locking and unlocking. Over time, this usually takes a toll on the car’s internal mechanism. External factors such as dirt and grime can also make the lock faulty.

3. Faulty ignition

The ignition system is the device that starts the car. The ignition system is usually linked to the car lock. So, if the lock system and the car key are in good shape but the key is still unable to start your car, then the issue lies in the ignition system. Just like your car locks, the ignition system is also prone to wear and tear. So, if your key does not start the car, then the ignition cylinder could be faulty and needs to be replaced. Common signs that indicate your ignition system has a problem include the immobilizer indicator light turning On and the key opening the car door but does not start the car.

4. Dead key fob batteries

Another reason why your car key is not working is that the batteries in the key fob are dead. This is a common problem that occurs to many motorists. Batteries in the key fob usually run out after a certain period, and thus need to be replaced. If you notice that your car is not responding to commands and signals sent by the key fob until you are too close or you have to press your key fob multiple times, then that is a clear sign that the battery has run out. Fortunately, the solution to this problem is simple, you need to replace the worn-out battery with new ones.

However, you need to be careful in remote battery replacement or your key fob batteries. If you don’t want to get disappointed, ensure that you replace the worn-out batteries with original batteries that are recommended by your car manufacturer. A reputable locksmith can also help you choose the right battery for your key fob.

5. Internal damage to the keyless remote/key fob

Most new car models use key fobs/keyless remotes which depend on the communication between the transmitter and the receiver. If the key fob is damaged, then it will not be able to send the signal successfully to the receiver, meaning your car will not lock or unlock. If there is a problem with the transmitter or receiver, then your key fob will not work.

Internal damage to the keyless remote may happen due to old age and sometimes it may happen instantly because the sudden drop of the fob results in damage to internal components. If your key fob is not working and the problem is not on the batteries, then it could be because of internal damage. If that is the case, you should take your key fob to the locksmith for repair or replacement.

6. The key has not been programmed

Wireless or transponder keys lock or unlock the car because they have been programmed. Programming enables the transmitter in the key fob to transmit a unique signal to the receiver chip installed in the car system. When you press a button, the key fob sends a signal to the chip and performs the required action. So, if your key fob has not been programmed, then it will not send the signal successfully, meaning the key will not work.

7. You are using an aftermarket car key

Aftermarket car keys are cheaper car keys that motorists purchase when looking for a spare or replacement key. If you purchase an aftermarket car key and forget to reprogram it, then it will not work. Additionally, an aftermarket car key can fail anytime since it was not designed for your car.

8. You are using a duplicate key

Most motorists have car key duplicates. As the name suggests, car key duplicates are a replica of the original copy and can come in handy in case you lose or misplace your original car keys. The more times your car key is duplicated, the less effective it becomes. So, if you duplicate your car keys multiple times, then at some point the duplicate key may not work. Getting a duplicate key is a cheaper option than getting a new key cut but it is not a safe or secure option.

Category: Car Locksmith

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